Services Provided

  • Identity Design
  • Visual Language
  • Packaging
  • Print and
  • Collaterals
  • Film


Iron deficiency is widely prevalent in India with an estimated 69% children below 5 years being deficient in Iron. 72% pregnant women and nearly 70% young women are also reported to be Iron deficient. Food fortification and supplements are a solution to this problem.

Coca-Cola India has developed a nutritional beverage option – Vitingo - that can address the issues of Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia. Vitingo is a low cost beverage powder which contains five essential micronutrients – Iron, Folic Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Zinc.

Brand ID
Logo Design
Vitingo Brand Identity
Brand Extension
Vitingo Brand Language
Vitingo Packaging
Vitingo Sachet